IT Consulting: Implement the right software
In order to automate work processes and make them efficient, you must be comfortable to rely on your companies IT. You can only achieve your corporate goals with the right IT software package. Finding the right IT system with the optimal software can be a time-consuming challenge. We therefore recommend IT Consulting to select and implement the right software for your needs in your industry.
IT Consulting means that you are supported by our trained IT Consultants, trainers and IT specialists in the decision-making process in several steps and you are also helped to compare possible software solutions in advance. With the help of IT Consulting, your IT department gets the best software and can optimally support your company and achieve your goals.
We accompany you on the way to a tailor-made IT system regardless of the industry and support your team personally and on site.
We offer comprehensive IT Consulting and suggest the following steps:
- Evaluation of the software requirements
- Definition of the goals to be achieved with the new software
- Obtaining suggestions and presenting at least two possible software solutions
- Advice and decision support regarding the best software for you
- Advice and assistance with contract processing and service definition
- Change Management I: prepare the existing team and carry out the transfer from the old IT system
- Change Management II: train the team and work with the new software
- Support and software optimization
- Evaluation of target achievement after a six-month trial period
Requirements for the optimal software solution
At the beginning, an IT consulting workshop will playfully determine which operational tasks are currently being carried out well and which difficulties your existing IT system is causing. The entire operational IT team and interfaces to other departments in the company should be able to express wishes and expectations of the future software package in order to make it clear which requirements are placed on the software. It is important that all wishes and concerns are heard, but that they must be prioritized and the most important requirements need to be defined.
Goal definition: What should be achieved with IT Consulting?
When it is clear which requirements must be placed on the new IT system, a meeting with the company management is again called in where the goals of the department and the company are clarified. Our IT Consulting helps to organize and assign the goals.
Propose possible software solutions
After evaluating the requirements and defining the goals, we heard your side and understood what it takes to implement a successful IT system. IT Consulting then actively searches for the best solutions and compares all strengths and weaknesses in advance. We guarantee that we can offer at least two solution packages from which you should choose. This will save you and your team a lot of time and you will be presented with selected software providers.
Advice during the decision-making process
IT Consulting means that you are not left alone with the decision. After the presentation of the best possible software provider, we recommend a period of approx. two weeks to consult with the IT team and the management again. If you have any questions about the new software during this time, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.
Framework conditions and signing contracts
If you choose IT Consulting, this means that after the decision-making process we will support you in understanding and concluding the contract with the chosen software provider. We negotiate the best offer for you and are there when the contract is signed and if anything is unclear.
Change Management I and II – the way to the new IT system
Your existing IT team or IT department is now confronted with using new software and achieving the desired goals as quickly as possible. Here, too, IT Consulting provides support and prepares the transfer of your data from the old system to the new one. This also means that we prepare and train your team step by step.
Support and software optimization
After IT Consulting has presented the new software to the team and all users of the software have been trained and trained, the software is integrated into their daily work processes. During a trial phase, the software is continuously fine-tuned and optimized to your needs. Our IT Consulting support is available to you every day during this time.
Evaluation of the chosen software and completion of the implementation process
After a six-month trial phase, all users are now trained and have processed their projects in the new software. Now it is time to weigh up whether the change has also led to the agreed achievement of goals. The originally defined goals and measured values ??are compared with the current data. The IT Consulting service ends with a final meeting and service contract.
Contact us
Contact us if you are interested in our solutions. One of our employees will evaluate your ideas and provide first consulting. After that, we will send you an offer that is optimized for your specific needs.
Phone: +43 1 8698400
We are a strong international company – to bring the best IT solutions to you. We provide an outstanding full service in the areas of IT, ITSM, software development and web development for our customers.
As full service provider and sustainable company, we provide top solutions for maintenance, consulting, networks, Exchange, Linux- & Windows servers, and more.
Software development
State-of-the-Art software development from Vienna: we work on your ideal individual solutions in software, mobile apps, interface- and database development.
Web development
We rethought web development: we offer intranets & extranets, websites, e-commerce platforms, online calculators, newsletter systems and provide classical services like SEO, SEM, and more.
Iphos IT Solutions GmbH
Arndtstrasse 89 / Top 22 1120 Vienna, Austria